# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import json import os import subprocess from pathlib import Path from cv2 import cv2 import numpy as np from time import time import webbrowser play_chars_js = ''' let i = 0; window.setInterval(function(){ let img = frames[i++]; let html = "" for(let line of img){ for(let char of line){ let [[r,g,b], ch] = char; html += ' '+ ch + ' ' // html += ' '+ ch + ' ' } html += "
" } document.getElementsByClassName("video-panel")[0].innerHTML = html }, 1000/fps); document.getElementsByTagName("audio")[0].play(); ''' class VideoToHtml: # 像素形状,因为颜色已经用rgb控制了,这里的pixels其实可以随意排 pixels = "$#@&%ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA098765432?][}{/)(>= self.width: return False else: self.resize_width = width self.resize_height = int(self.height * (width / self.width)) return True def set_height(self, height): """只能缩小,而且始终保持长宽比""" if height >= self.height: return False else: self.resize_height = height self.resize_width = int(self.width * (height / self.height)) return True def resize(self, img): """ 将img转换成需要的大小 原则:只缩小,不放大。 """ # 没指定就不需resize了 if not self.resize_width or not self.resize_height: return img else: size = (self.resize_width, self.resize_height) return cv2.resize(img, size, interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) def get_img_by_pos(self, pos): """获取到指定位置的帧""" # 把指针移动到指定帧的位置 self.cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, pos) # 返回值介绍: # ret 布尔值,表示是否读取到图像 # frame 为图像矩阵,类型为 numpy.ndarray. ret, frame = return ret, frame def get_frame_pos(self): """生成需要获取的帧的位置,使用了惰性求值""" step = self.fps / self.fps_for_html # 如果未指定 if not self.time_interval: self.frames_count = int(self.frames_count_all / step) # 更新count return (int(step * i) for i in range(self.frames_count)) # 如果指定了 start, end = self.time_interval pos_start = int(self.fps * start) pos_end = int(self.fps * end) self.frames_count = int((pos_end - pos_start) / step) # 更新count return (pos_start + int(step * i) for i in range(self.frames_count)) def get_imgs(self): assert self.cap.isOpened() for i in self.get_frame_pos(): ret, frame = self.get_img_by_pos(i) if not ret: print("读取失败,跳出循环") break yield self.resize(frame) # 惰性求值 # 结束时要释放空间 self.cap.release() def get_char(self, gray): percent = gray / 255 # 转换到 0-1 之间 index = int(percent * (len(self.pixels) - 1)) # 拿到index return self.pixels[index] def get_json_pic(self, img): """测试阶段,不实用""" json_pic = [] # 宽高刚好和size相反,要注意。(这是numpy的特性。。) height, width, channel = img.shape # 转换成灰度图,用来选择合适的字符 img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) for y in range(height): line = [] for x in range(width): r, g, b = img[y][x] gray = img_gray[y][x] char = self.get_char(gray) line.append([[int(r), int(g), int(b)], char]) json_pic.append(line) return json.dumps(json_pic) def write_html_with_json(self, file_name): """测试阶段,不实用""" mp3_path = self.video2mp3() time_start = time() with open(file_name, 'w') as html: # 要记得设置monospace等宽字体,不然没法玩 html.write('' '' '' ' ' f' ' '' ' \n' '') def main(): # 视频路径,换成你自己的 video_path = "ceshi.mp4" video2html = VideoToHtml(video_path, fps_for_html=8) video2html.set_width(120) html_name = Path(video_path).with_suffix(".html").name video2html.write_html_with_json(html_name) if __name__ == "__main__": main()